
ccflogoThe Coastal Communities Fund (CCF) aims to encourage the economic development of UK coastal communities by awarding funding to create sustainable economic growth and jobs. Since the start of the CCF in 2012 we have awarded grants to 117 organisations across the UK to the value of £65 million. This funding is forecast to deliver 8,895 jobs and help attract around £113 million of additional funds to coastal areas. The Big Lottery Fund is delivering the CCF on behalf of UK Government and the Devolved Administrations in Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales.
more information

North_Ayrshire_CouncilNorth Ayrshire Council

Forestry_Commission_ScForestry and Land Scotland works to protect and expand Scotland’s forests and to increase their value to society and the environment.

arran_trustThe Arran Trust is the island’s visitor gifting scheme. The Trust funds projects which look after the beautiful landscapes and environment of Arran.

Image credits

cloudsA big thank you to Jackie from “Arran in Focus”, Lamlash, for allowing us to use some of her wonderful photos.

Another big thank you to Scott Murdoch who took lots of photos while working on the path, to Malcolm Whitmore, Friederike Lorenzen and Eberhard Schmuck von Troilo and last but not least to COAST for the amazing marine life photos.

Our sponsors

the_douglas_hotel_logoThe Douglas Hotel
Shore Road, Brodick, Tel: 01770 302968, E-mail: